Monday, March 1, 2010

Snow Dates & Smoothies

Despite the cold, stormy weather these past few weeks, Mr. Ted and I have still managed to have some creative fun :) Two weeks ago, in order to commemorate our 6 month anniversary , we used a gift card at a great asian fusion restaurant downtown, followed by an excellent afternoon movie. On another morning, after our second huge snow, we shuffled to the Dunkin' Donuts on Fifth Street in our heavy coats and used the last of his gift card to get some tasty, cheap breakfast. (Notice the theme of gift cards. ha!)

So, Dunkin' claims that "America Runs on Dunkin'. However, the OSWALD home now runs on Ted's newest mocha creations and drum roll... smoothies! Yep - we thought we'd give them a try in order to add some fruit to our diet. Turns out that I hate them, and Ted loves them! Hooray for nutrients. Meanwhile, I'm heating a chicken pot pie in the oven... Nutrients can wait till tomorrow :)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Ok, I have a recipe book dedicated to different kinds of fruit juices and smoothies. Maybe you should check it out - the taste of the smoothie totally depends on the kind/ratio of fruit in it! :)