Saturday, January 30, 2010

On Home.

I really like this city. Will it ever feel like home? I'm not sure. There's always something new and undiscovered, which keeps life here exciting and stimulating - but sometimes exciting is not what you want. Sometimes you just want home. I have Ted, and he feels like home - he is my home. I am so thankful for him. :)

This morning we walked to church in the freezing weather, a thin layer of snow on the ground. I wore my ankle length, pouffy winter coat, and Ted was insulated by about six layers of sweaters, coats, and t-shirts. It was nice, shuffling along while holding Ted's hand and feeling so happy.

So, is there home here? Yes. Though not home in the comfortable, familiar, free, refreshing sense - the sense that I get from that yellow flower on my blog. But, it is good here. And there are the friends and family that God gives us to really support us and remind us of who we are. They give us grounding and so much love, even from afar.