Sunday, December 26, 2010

Coming back and going to ... ?

There is a stillness and encroaching sadness in me. As our days since being in Haiti increase in number, I feel further from our friends, further from those experiences, and it has only been a little over a week.

Part of this is compounded by the fact that we're 3,000 miles away from our home base of Philly for the holiday, which is also that many miles further from Haiti and some of the reminders of our time there. Computer access is more spotty, and my cell access is limited now that my charger is resting in our old room in Port-Au-Prince. ;) There is also a general malaise of the day, another factor in my mood perhaps.

How to make Haiti feel close - and with this, how to look forward in tangible ways to what God is moving in us and drawing us towards. I don't even know why I ask "how" anymore. Because I don't think it's a very good question when it comes to matters like these ... Yes Ted and I like to think about ways to continue to be connected to our life in Haiti, but whatever connections remain, wherever growth occurs and new life is born will be a gift of the Spirit. Am I being passive? Am I being pessimistic about what is here because of the tinges of melancholy I am feeling? I don't think so ... I just want to remain in Him. John 15.

Let that continue to be in my eyes and heart the most worthwhile endeavor.