Monday, February 20, 2012

when searching for direction

God is the greatest good on this earth. The end for us is Himself. - Francis Chan, Crazy Love (62)

Set times of prayer are valuable in order to form a habit of conversation with God, and-as I said-referring all we do to him. They aren't the end itself, but means to an end. The end is God: being with him, living in his presence and under his control. You can't do that if you try to ration contact with God to twenty minutes twice a day or whatever it is. - Brother Lawrence, Closer Than A Brother (39)

Living more fully for God and for others (Luke 10:27). That's been a helpful theme of what I've been reading. This idea of God being the most wonderful, beautiful end for us - not a means to any other end. The emphasis is on real dependence upon God, on a real relationship that acknowledges how great and good He is.  It's difficult to put into practice!  But, as Brother Lawrence says earlier in his book, God gives us himself (and his approval), even in the middle of our failures - "if we put our trust in him, and love him, and give him first place" (29).

Speaking with an elder at our church a couple of weeks ago, she went through the examen with me. It's a an exercise in reflecting on when we most sense God's presence throughout the day, and when we feel it least. Or, what parts of our day were the most life-giving, and which ones the most life-draining. It can be a way of noticing patterns in our life. Are there situations that are consistently challenging for us, or activities that are particularly joy-giving? In the examen you pray through them both. And, my understanding is that you would want to move towards whatever it is that tends to give you life...

(The Examen - Ignatian Spirituality)

The reasoning behind my appointment with her was to discuss my searching for a sense of direction, and focus in my life. When searching for direction, who better to listen to than God? The simplicity of the answer is almost comical, but it made me realize how difficult it is for me to be still and listen, to receive from the one who created me and loves me.