Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lesson from the Locals

This past week Ted and I had the opportunity to learn something delightful about Philadelphia; and by delightful I mean extremely annoying...

Last Saturday we had the second greatest snowstorm in Philly's history. Yep, twenty-plus inches of snow and it was madness. Yesterday, we got another eighteen inches. In our neighborhood, the row homes are tightly packed (there are sixty-six homes on our one block), and since no one has garage space, parking spots are often hard to find on a day-to-day basis. Well, since digging one's car out of two to three feet of snow is such a chore, people here feel entitled to leave a lawn chair or orange cone in their spot, in order to keep their spot 'reserved' until they return home.

This may not sound so ridiculous, but I came home a few nights ago to find seven empty spots on our street, each with a cone or lawn chair situated right spack-dab in the middle! Seven empty spots, and I couldn't park in any of them. These spots don't actually belong to anyone, so I don't know where the fantasy comes from that you can claim spots that aren't yours! Hmph, it had me in a tizzy for about - 5 minutes. But, I suppose I have no choice except to obey the cones and chairs... :)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Haha, yeah, we need to get these people out to the west coast where, you know, they'd get a ticket for doing something as ridiculous as reserving spots that aren't theirs. Or stopping in the middle of the street. Or running red lights. Or basically everything drivers in Philly do :)