Last Saturday we had the second greatest snowstorm in Philly's history. Yep, twenty-plus inches of snow and it was madness. Yesterday, we got another eighteen inches. In our neighborhood, the row homes are tightly packed (there are sixty-six homes on our one block), and since no one has garage space, parking spots are often hard to find on a day-to-day basis. Well, since digging one's car out of two to three feet of snow is such a chore, people here feel entitled to leave a lawn chair or orange cone in their spot, in order to keep their spot 'reserved' until they return home.
This may not sound so ridiculous, but I came home a few nights ago to find seven empty spots on our street, each with a cone or lawn chair situated right spack-dab in the middle! Seven empty spots, and I couldn't park in any of them. These spots don't actually belong to anyone, so I don't know where the fantasy comes from that you can claim spots that aren't yours! Hmph, it had me in a tizzy for about - 5 minutes. But, I suppose I have no choice except to obey the cones and chairs... :)